Terms of use

Article 1 - PREAMBLE

The present General Terms of Use or GTUs provide a legal framework for the use of the services of the ruffico.com website (hereinafter referred to as "the site").

The supplier invites users to carefully read these General Terms and Conditions of Use (hereinafter referred to as the "GTCU"). Placing an Order implies acceptance of the GCU. It is the user's responsibility to take them into account before making a purchase. The photographs or graphics presented on the Website are not contractual.

The user acknowledges having read and accepted them by checking the box provided for this purpose before validating his online Order.

The present GTCU govern the terms and conditions of use of the Web site via which the Supplier offers its Products for sale to its Clients.

They are systematically communicated to the user who requests them.

In the event of subsequent modification of the GCU, the user shall be subject to the version in force at the time of his/her Order.



The site allows free access to the online sales service offered by the supplier

The site is accessible free of charge from anywhere by any user with Internet access. All the expenses necessary for the access to the services (computer material, Internet connection...) are the responsibility of the user.

For maintenance or other reasons, access to the site may be interrupted or suspended by the publisher without notice or justification.



In order to place an order, the user of the site must create an account.

On this occasion and within the more general framework of the commercial relationship, the collection of personal information is necessary and obligatory. The supplier is led to list a certain number of obligatory personal data (of which in particular, name, first name, address of delivery, etc.) necessary to the treatment of the Order, to the securing of the payment and to the respect of the legal and statutory obligations of the supplier. They are kept for 5 years from the date of the order. 

Should the Client fail to provide this information, it will be impossible to process the Order. 

This data is intended for internal use by the supplier but may be transmitted to companies that contribute to the execution of the sale, including those that deliver the products or process payments. 

Their processing is done in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/975 of April 27, 2016 and in respect of privacy in accordance with the law n°78-17 of January 6 relating to data processing, files and freedoms.

Regarding these personal data, the Customer has:

- the right of access to personal data concerning him;

- the right to rectify and delete personal data if it is inaccurate, incomplete, ambiguous, outdated or if the collection, use, communication and conservation of certain data is prohibited;

- the right to limit the processing of data, provided that this request is duly justified and does not prevent the supplier from complying with its regulatory and legal obligations;

- the right to object to the processing of the data (especially in the case of processing for commercial prospecting);

- the right to formulate post-mortem directives concerning the conservation, deletion and communication of your personal data;

- the right to withdraw your consent to certain processing operations (the processing operations carried out before the withdrawal of consent remain lawful);

- the right to file a complaint with the CNIL. 

To exercise his rights, the Customer can send a request to the supplier, by postal mail or by email to the contact addresses listed on the site. 

The request must mention the Customer's e-mail address, surname, first name, postal address and must be accompanied by a copy of his or her identification document on both sides.

A reply will be sent within one month of receipt of the request. 



The brands, logos and contents of the site (graphic illustrations, texts...) are protected by the Intellectual Property Code and by copyright.

The reproduction and copying of the contents of the site by the user require prior authorization from the site. In this case, any use for commercial or advertising purposes is prohibited.



The supplier cannot be held responsible for a possible temporary or definitive unavailability of its site.

In spite of the regular updates, the responsibility of the site cannot be committed in the event of modification of the legal regulation subsequent to its publication. The same applies to the use and interpretation of the information provided on the site. 

The site declines all responsibility for any viruses that may infect the User's computer equipment after using or accessing this site.

The site cannot be held responsible in case of force majeure or the unforeseeable and insurmountable fact of a third party.



The site can present hypertext links. By clicking on them, the User will leave the Site which does not have control over the content of the underlying web pages and cannot be held responsible for them.


Article 7 - COOKIES

During visits to the site, the automatic installation of a cookie on the User's browser may occur.

Cookies are small files that are temporarily stored on the hard disk of the User's computer. These cookies are necessary to ensure accessibility and navigation on the site. These files do not contain personal information and cannot be used to identify a person.

The information in the cookies is used to improve the performance of the site.

By browsing the site, the user accepts cookies. Their deactivation can be done via the parameters of the navigation software.



The site allows users to publish comments.

In his publications, the member is required to respect the rules of Netiquette and the rules of law in force.

The site has the right to exercise a priori moderation on the publications and can refuse to put them online without having to provide justification.

The user retains all his intellectual property rights. However, any publication on the site implies the delegation of the non-exclusive and free right to the publishing company to represent, reproduce, modify, adapt, distribute and disseminate the publication anywhere and on any medium for the duration of the intellectual property. This can be done directly or through an authorized third party. This applies in particular to the right to use the publication on the web and on cell phone networks.

The publisher undertakes to mention the name of the member in the vicinity of the publication for each use.

The user is responsible for the content he/she puts online and undertakes to ensure that it does not infringe on the interests of third parties. Any legal proceedings initiated by an injured third party against the site because of the user must be borne by the latter.

The deletion or modification by the site of the user's content can be done at any time, for any reason and without notice.



The present GTU are subject to French law. 

In case of any difficulty, the Customer Service is at your disposal to find an amicable solution.